
Execute the following UNIX command to report on I/O Statistics:

IO Stats Solaris

The meaning of the options used here are:

Performance Goals

Signficant bottleneck threshold is: %b > 20% and asvc_t in (20ms, 30ms)

Critical bottleneck threshold is: %b > 20% and asvc_t > 30ms



IO Stats Solaris

%tm_act - percentage of time disk is busy

Note: High tm_act percentage can indicate a disk bottleneck.

%iowait: % of time the CPU is idle while waiting on local I/O.

The time is attributed to iowait when no processes are ready for the CPU but at least one process is waiting on I/O. The high% of iowait time indicates that disk I/O is a major contributor to the delay in execution of processes. In general, if system slowness occurs and %iowait in (20,25)% or higher, investigate disk bottleneck.

When %tm_act or time active for a disk is high, noticeable performance degradation can occur.

On some systems, a %tm_act > 35% for one disk can noticeably slow performance.